Song: River flows in you from Yiruma
“When i was young i dreamt that one day, I would encounter my angel.
That soulmate that would have fall from the sky, to be with me forever.
As a young man i started to lose faith in that dream…
After a while, i totally lost all hope of beveling in that fairy tale…
One day, i met this friend, who came to see me by plane on a cold week of October. Everything was normal, until that night.
When i saw, through her smile and her laugh, who she really were inside her heart.
at that moment;
I realized that I finally found my angel.
In her smile, her soul, her way to makes every rotten little thing about life seem like it’s gonna be ok
and her spirit to make you the strongest, to confront problems that life can brings you:
I love her and always will…”
Group/Artist: “Yiruma”
Album / Collection: “First love”
Year of release:: June 20, 2006
Song: River flows in you
Track 4
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First Love
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Picture artist: AdRoiT-Designs
Picture title: Promise